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The Case Of The Pearl Necklace Chanel Preston

Chanel Preston

The Beginning

In 2014, adult film actress Chanel Preston reported a burglary at her home. The thief had stolen a safe containing a pearl necklace worth $150,000. The necklace had been given to her by her grandmother and had great sentimental value to her.

Pearl Necklace

The Investigation

The LAPD investigated the burglary and found that the thief had entered the house through an unlocked window. They also found that the security cameras had been disabled. The police suspected that the thief was someone who knew Preston and her habits well.

The Suspect

The LAPD soon focused their attention on a man named Oliver May. May was a former boyfriend of Preston's who had been stalking her for months. He had also been seen in the vicinity of her house on the day of the burglary.

Oliver May

The Arrest

May was arrested and charged with burglary and stalking. He denied any involvement in the theft and claimed that he had been at home at the time of the burglary. However, the police found evidence that May had bought a new car and taken a trip to Las Vegas shortly after the theft.

The Trial

May's trial began in 2015. The prosecution presented evidence that May had stalked Preston for months and had been seen in the vicinity of her house on the day of the burglary. They also presented evidence that May had bought a new car and taken a trip to Las Vegas shortly after the theft.


The Verdict

In 2016, May was found guilty of burglary and stalking. He was sentenced to six years in prison. The pearl necklace was never recovered.

The Aftermath

Preston said that the theft had taken a toll on her emotionally and that she had lost trust in people. She also said that she had learned the importance of having good security measures in place. May's conviction brought her some closure, but she said that the loss of the necklace still hurt.

Chanel Preston Interview


The case of the pearl necklace Chanel Preston is a reminder of the importance of having good security measures in place. It also highlights the devastating emotional impact that theft can have on victims, especially when the stolen item has great sentimental value. May's conviction brought some closure to Preston, but the loss of the necklace still hurts.

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