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Self Portrait With Thorn Necklace And Hummingbird 1940

Self Portrait With Thorn Necklace And Hummingbird 1940


Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird is one of the most famous paintings by Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Completed in 1940, this self-portrait is a striking image of the artist, adorned with a necklace of thorns and accompanied by a hummingbird. The painting is a representation of the physical and emotional pain that Kahlo endured throughout her life.

The Artist

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist born in 1907. She is famous for her self-portraits, which often depict her in pain or anguish. Kahlo suffered from polio as a child and was later involved in a bus accident that left her with lifelong injuries. She used her art to express her physical and emotional pain, as well as her political beliefs. Kahlo died in 1954 at the age of 47.

The Painting

Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird is a small painting, measuring just 24 x 18 inches. The background is a dark, almost black, color, which makes Kahlo's image stand out. The artist is depicted wearing a necklace made of thorns, which pierce her skin and draw blood. She holds a hummingbird in her hand, which looks as if it is about to take flight. Kahlo's expression is stoic, almost resigned, as if she has accepted the pain that she is experiencing.

Kahlo In Blue

The Necklace

The necklace of thorns that Kahlo wears in the painting is a powerful symbol. It represents the physical pain that the artist was experiencing, as well as the emotional pain caused by her tumultuous marriage to fellow artist Diego Rivera. The thorns are shown piercing Kahlo's skin, drawing blood and causing her to suffer. However, the necklace is also a symbol of strength and resilience, as Kahlo continues to wear it despite the pain it causes.

The Hummingbird

The hummingbird in the painting is a symbol of hope and freedom. It is a delicate and beautiful creature, which contrasts with the thorns and blood of the necklace. The hummingbird is also a nod to Kahlo's love of nature, which is a recurring theme in her work. The bird is shown in motion, as if it is about to take flight, which adds to the sense of hope and possibility.

Diego Rivera

Diego Rivera

Kahlo's husband, Diego Rivera, was a famous artist in his own right. He was known for his murals, which often depicted scenes from Mexican history and culture. Kahlo and Rivera had a tumultuous relationship, marked by infidelity and arguments. However, they also had a deep love for each other, which is evident in Kahlo's paintings. Rivera is often depicted in Kahlo's work, either as a supportive presence or as a source of pain.

The Influence of Mexican Culture

Kahlo's work is heavily influenced by Mexican culture and history. She often included traditional Mexican dress and motifs in her paintings, as well as references to Mexican mythology and religion. Kahlo was proud of her Mexican heritage and used her art to celebrate it. She was also politically active and supported leftist causes, which is reflected in her work.

Frida Kahlo In Mexican Traditional Costume

The Importance of Self-Portraits

Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird is just one of many self-portraits that Kahlo created during her lifetime. Self-portraits were an important part of her work, as they allowed her to explore her own identity and emotions. Kahlo's self-portraits are often raw and honest, showing her pain and vulnerability. However, they are also powerful and inspiring, as they demonstrate her strength and resilience.


Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird is a powerful and iconic painting by Frida Kahlo. It is a representation of the physical and emotional pain that Kahlo endured throughout her life, as well as her resilience and strength. The painting is a testament to Kahlo's talent as an artist and her importance as a cultural figure. It continues to inspire and captivate viewers today.

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