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Necklace Clasp On Right Or Left Superstition

Necklace With Clasp On Left And Right

Have you ever noticed that some people wear their necklaces with the clasp on the right side, while others prefer it on the left? It may seem like a matter of personal preference, but in some cultures, there is a superstition surrounding which side the clasp should be on. Let's explore this superstition and the reasons behind it.

Clasp on the Right

Necklace With Clasp On Right

In some cultures, it is believed that wearing a necklace with the clasp on the right side brings good luck and positive energy. This belief is rooted in the idea that the right side of the body is associated with strength, power, and protection. By wearing a necklace with the clasp on the right, one is said to be attracting these positive qualities into their life.

Additionally, some people believe that wearing a necklace with the clasp on the right side helps to ward off evil spirits and protect against negative energies. This is because the right side of the body is seen as the dominant side, and therefore more capable of defending against negative forces.

Clasp on the Left

Necklace With Clasp On Left

On the other hand, some cultures believe that wearing a necklace with the clasp on the left side is the correct way to wear it. This belief is based on the idea that the left side of the body is associated with the heart and emotions. By wearing a necklace with the clasp on the left, one is said to be keeping the necklace close to their heart and allowing it to influence their emotions in a positive way.

Additionally, some people believe that wearing a necklace with the clasp on the left side helps to attract love and romance into one's life. This is because the left side of the body is seen as the receptive side, and therefore more open to receiving positive energies from the universe.

Other Factors to Consider

Necklace With Clasp On Right Or Left

While the superstition surrounding necklace clasps may be interesting to some, it is important to remember that ultimately, the decision of which side to wear the clasp on is a matter of personal preference. There are many other factors to consider when choosing how to wear a necklace, such as the length and style of the necklace, the neckline of the outfit being worn, and the occasion for which the necklace will be worn.

Additionally, while superstitions can be fun and interesting to explore, it is important not to take them too seriously. Ultimately, our lives are shaped by our own actions and choices, not by the placement of a necklace clasp.


The superstition surrounding necklace clasps on the right or left side may be intriguing, but ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide which side feels right for them. Whether you believe in the power of superstitions or not, it is always important to make decisions based on your own instincts and preferences. So go ahead and wear your necklace with the clasp on the right, left, or whichever side you choose – it's all about what makes you feel happy and confident.

Related video of Necklace Clasp On Right Or Left Superstition