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Aita For Not Taking Off My Necklace


Recently, I wore a necklace to a family gathering. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry that I had received as a gift from my late grandmother. I had never taken it off since she gave it to me, and it held a lot of sentimental value to me.

However, during the gathering, my aunt noticed the necklace and told me that I should take it off because it was inappropriate for the occasion. She said that it was too flashy and that I was drawing too much attention to myself.

I was taken aback by her comment and didn't know what to do. I had never thought of my necklace as inappropriate before, and I didn't want to take it off because of someone else's opinion.

My Decision


After thinking about it for a moment, I decided not to take off my necklace. I felt that it was important to honor my grandmother's memory and to wear something that meant so much to me.

My aunt continued to make comments about my necklace throughout the gathering, but I chose to ignore her and enjoy my time with my family.

The Aftermath


After the gathering, my aunt sent me a text message saying that I was rude for not taking off my necklace. She said that I was disrespecting the family and that I should have listened to her.

I was hurt by her message and didn't know how to respond. I felt like I had done nothing wrong, but she made me feel guilty for wearing something that meant so much to me.

The Verdict


So, was I the Asshole (AITA) for not taking off my necklace? In my opinion, no. I believe that everyone has the right to wear what they want, as long as it's appropriate for the occasion.

My necklace wasn't offensive or inappropriate in any way, and I didn't see why I should have to take it off just because someone else didn't like it.

However, I do understand that everyone has different opinions and that my aunt may have felt like my necklace was too flashy for the occasion. But ultimately, it was my decision to make, and I stand by it.


In conclusion, I don't think that I was the Asshole for not taking off my necklace. I believe that everyone has the right to wear what they want and that no one should be made to feel guilty for expressing themselves through fashion.

But what do you think? Was I the Asshole for not taking off my necklace? Let me know in the comments below!

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