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Persona 5 Queen's Necklace Weakness

Persona 5 Queen'S Necklace

What is Queen's Necklace in Persona 5?

Queen's Necklace is one of the most valuable treasures in Persona 5. It is a treasure that can be obtained by completing a request from Futaba Sakura. The treasure can be sold for a whopping 50,000 yen, which can be very useful in the game. However, the Queen's Necklace is guarded by a strong shadow, and players must defeat it to obtain the treasure.

Persona 5 Shadow Fight

What is the Weakness of the Shadow Guarding the Queen's Necklace?

The shadow guarding the Queen's Necklace is called the Regent. The Regent is a level 10 shadow that is weak to the gun, nuclear, and bless attacks. Players can use these attacks to deal heavy damage to the Regent and defeat it quickly. It is recommended that players use the gun attack, as it deals the most damage to the Regent.

Persona 5 Gun Attack

How to Obtain the Queen's Necklace?

To obtain the Queen's Necklace, players must first complete Futaba Sakura's request, "The Price of Vanity." In this request, players must enter a palace and steal the treasure. The Regent will be guarding the treasure, so players must defeat it to obtain the Queen's Necklace. Once players obtain the treasure, they can sell it for 50,000 yen.

Persona 5 Palace

What are the Benefits of Obtaining the Queen's Necklace?

Obtaining the Queen's Necklace can be very beneficial for players. The 50,000 yen that players can receive from selling the treasure can be used to purchase new weapons, armor, and accessories. Additionally, the Queen's Necklace can be used to create the Treasure Demon, a powerful persona that can be fused using the Regent and other personas.

Persona 5 Treasure Demon


In conclusion, the Queen's Necklace is a valuable treasure in Persona 5 that can be obtained by defeating the Regent, a level 10 shadow. The Regent is weak to gun, nuclear, and bless attacks, so players should use these attacks to defeat it quickly. Once players obtain the Queen's Necklace, they can sell it for 50,000 yen or use it to create the Treasure Demon. Obtaining the Queen's Necklace can be very beneficial for players, and it is definitely worth the effort to obtain it.

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