Keep Or Give Necklace Ac Valhalla
Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a game that offers players a lot of choices. One of the choices that players have to make is whether to keep or give a necklace. This necklace is given to the player by a character named Gunnar, who is a blacksmith in the game. The necklace is said to have belonged to Gunnar's wife, who passed away.
What is the Necklace?
The necklace that Gunnar gives to the player is called "Andvaranaut". Andvaranaut is a mythical ring in Norse mythology. According to the myth, the ring was cursed, and whoever possessed it would face a terrible fate. The name of the ring means "Andvari's Gift". Andvari was a dwarf who possessed a great treasure, which was stolen from him by Loki. Andvari cursed the treasure, and whoever possessed it would face misfortune.
What Happens if You Keep the Necklace?
If you choose to keep the necklace, Gunnar will be happy that you have decided to keep the memory of his wife alive. However, there are no real consequences to keeping the necklace. It does not affect the storyline or the gameplay in any way. It is purely a sentimental item that you can wear if you choose to do so.
What Happens if You Give the Necklace to Randvi?
If you choose to give the necklace to Randvi, she will be touched by the gesture. Randvi is a character in the game who is the wife of the main character, Eivor. She is also the strategic advisor for the clan. Giving her the necklace will not affect the storyline or the gameplay in any way. It is purely a sentimental item that you can give to her if you choose to do so.
In conclusion, whether you keep or give the necklace in Assassin's Creed Valhalla is entirely up to you. There are no real consequences to either choice, and it is purely a sentimental item. The decision you make will not affect the storyline or the gameplay in any way. So, choose the option that feels right for you and enjoy the rest of the game!