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Diablo 3 Squirt's Necklace Location

Diablo 3 Squirt'S Necklace Location


Diablo 3 is an action role-playing game that has been popular among gamers since its release in 2012. One of the most sought-after items in the game is Squirt's Necklace, which is a legendary amulet that provides significant benefits to players who wear it. In this article, we will discuss where to find Squirt's Necklace in Diablo 3.

What is Squirt's Necklace?

Squirt's Necklace is a legendary amulet that provides significant benefits to players who wear it. Some of these benefits include increased critical hit damage, reduced damage from ranged attacks, and increased damage against elites. It is a highly coveted item among Diablo 3 players, and many spend hours searching for it.

Diablo 3 Legendary Amulet Squirt'S Necklace

Where to Find Squirt's Necklace

Squirt's Necklace can only be found in one location in Diablo 3, which is the Hidden Camp in Act 2. To find it, players must first complete the main storyline in Act 2 and then return to the Hidden Camp. Once there, they must locate a vendor named Squirt the Peddler. Squirt sells a variety of items, but the one that players are interested in is her legendary amulet, Squirt's Necklace.

How to Increase Your Chances of Finding Squirt's Necklace

While Squirt's Necklace can be found at any time from Squirt the Peddler, there are a few things that players can do to increase their chances of finding it. One of the most effective ways is to increase the difficulty level of the game. The higher the difficulty level, the more likely it is that legendary items will drop.

Another way to increase your chances of finding Squirt's Necklace is to use the Kanai's Cube. The Kanai's Cube is a powerful artifact that can be used to extract legendary powers from items and then apply them to other items. By using the Kanai's Cube to extract the legendary power from Squirt's Necklace, players can then apply it to another item, allowing them to benefit from its effects without actually wearing the amulet.


Squirt's Necklace is a highly sought-after item in Diablo 3, and for good reason. Its benefits are significant, and it can greatly improve a player's chances of success in the game. While it can be challenging to find, the effort is well worth it. By following the tips outlined in this article, players can increase their chances of finding Squirt's Necklace and enjoy all of the benefits that it provides.

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