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Marie Antoinette Affair Of The Diamond Necklace

Marie Antoinette Affair Of The Diamond Necklace

Marie Antoinette, the last Queen of France, was known for her lavish lifestyle and love for expensive jewelry. However, her love for extravagant jewels became the center of one of the most notorious scandals in French history known as the Diamond Necklace Affair.

The Diamond Necklace

Diamond Necklace

The diamond necklace was a piece of jewelry that was originally commissioned by King Louis XV for his mistress, Madame du Barry. However, the king died before the necklace was completed, and it remained unsold for several years. The necklace consisted of 647 diamonds and had a total weight of 2,800 carats.

In 1785, a con artist named Jeanne de la Motte convinced Cardinal de Rohan, who was infatuated with Marie Antoinette, that the queen wanted him to buy the diamond necklace for her. The cardinal, who had fallen out of favor with the queen, believed the ruse and purchased the necklace for 1.6 million francs, which was an enormous sum of money at the time.

The Scandal

Marie Antoinette Scandal

When the jewelers who made the necklace demanded payment, they realized that the cardinal had been duped, and the queen had no knowledge of the purchase. The affair became public, and the scandal rocked the French court.

Marie Antoinette was furious and demanded that the cardinal be arrested and tried for his role in the affair. The trial lasted for months and became a media sensation, with people lining up to get a glimpse of the cardinal and the queen.

The Aftermath

Marie Antoinette Aftermath

The affair damaged the reputation of the queen, who was already unpopular with the French people. The scandal portrayed her as a greedy and immoral person who was willing to accept expensive gifts from her admirers.

The affair also exposed the corruption within the French court, and many people believed that the queen was involved in the scam. However, there was no evidence to prove her involvement, and she was eventually exonerated.

The Legacy

Diamond Necklace Legacy

The Diamond Necklace Affair remains one of the most infamous scandals in French history. It not only tarnished the reputation of Marie Antoinette but also highlighted the corruption and decadence of the French court.

The affair also had political repercussions, as it contributed to the growing unrest and dissatisfaction with the French monarchy that eventually led to the French Revolution.


The Diamond Necklace Affair is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and corruption. It serves as a reminder that even those in positions of power and influence can fall prey to the allure of wealth and luxury.

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