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Link's Awakening Mermaid Necklace Location

Link'S Awakening Mermaid Necklace Location

Link's Awakening is one of the most popular games released for the Nintendo Switch. The game has several collectibles that players can find throughout the game, and one of the most coveted is the Mermaid Necklace. In this article, we'll discuss the location of the Mermaid Necklace and how to get it in Link's Awakening.

What is the Mermaid Necklace?

The Mermaid Necklace is a collectible in Link's Awakening that is necessary to progress through the game. The necklace is required to access the fourth dungeon, the Angler's Tunnel. The necklace is found in the Yarna Desert, which is located on the east side of the map.

Yarna Desert

How to Get the Mermaid Necklace

To get the Mermaid Necklace, Link must first obtain the magnifying lens. The lens is found in the Mysterious Woods, which is located in the northeast corner of the map. Once Link has the lens, he must use it to read a book in the library located in Mabe Village. The book will reveal a secret message that tells Link how to get to the Yarna Desert.

Once Link is in the Yarna Desert, he must navigate through a maze of sand pits to find the Mermaid Statue. The statue is located in the bottom right corner of the desert. When Link approaches the statue, he must use the magnifying lens to read the inscription on the statue. The inscription will reveal the location of the Mermaid Necklace.

Mermaid Statue Link'S Awakening

The location of the Mermaid Necklace is in the Catfish's Maw dungeon. To get to the dungeon, Link must travel to Martha's Bay, which is located in the southeast corner of the map. The entrance to the dungeon is located on the east side of the bay, and Link will need the flippers to swim to it.


The Mermaid Necklace is an essential collectible in Link's Awakening that is required to progress through the game. It can be obtained by navigating through the Yarna Desert and reading the inscription on the Mermaid Statue. The necklace is located in the Catfish's Maw dungeon, which is accessed through Martha's Bay. With this guide, players can easily obtain the necklace and continue on their adventure in Link's Awakening.

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