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Heart Of The Ocean Necklace Celine Dion

Heart Of The Ocean Necklace Celine Dion

Heart of the Ocean necklace is a blue diamond necklace which gained popularity after the release of the blockbuster movie "Titanic" in 1997. The necklace was worn by Kate Winslet, who played the character of Rose, in the movie. The necklace became so popular that it was recreated and sold to the public. Many celebrities have been spotted wearing the Heart of the Ocean necklace, including the famous singer Celine Dion.

Heart Of The Ocean Necklace

Celine Dion's Heart of the Ocean Necklace

Celine Dion is a Canadian singer who has sold over 200 million records worldwide. She is known for her powerful voice and emotional ballads. Celine Dion is also known for her love of jewelry, and she has an extensive collection of expensive and rare pieces. One of the most famous pieces in her collection is the Heart of the Ocean necklace.

Celine Dion Heart Of The Ocean Necklace

Celine Dion's Heart of the Ocean necklace is a stunning piece of jewelry. The necklace features a large blue diamond that is surrounded by smaller white diamonds. The blue diamond is cut in a heart shape, and it is set in a platinum setting. The necklace also features a diamond chain that is beautifully crafted.

The History of the Heart of the Ocean Necklace

The Heart of the Ocean necklace was designed by Harry Winston, a famous jewelry designer. The necklace was inspired by the Hope Diamond, which is a blue diamond that is known for its curse. The Hope Diamond is believed to bring bad luck to its owner, and many people have died or suffered misfortunes after owning it.

Harry Winston Heart Of The Ocean

Harry Winston created the Heart of the Ocean necklace as a tribute to the Hope Diamond. The necklace was made for the movie "Titanic," and it was worn by Kate Winslet. The necklace was so popular that it was recreated and sold to the public. The replicas of the necklace are made with cubic zirconia or other imitation diamonds, but they still look stunning.

The Symbolism of the Heart of the Ocean Necklace

The Heart of the Ocean necklace symbolizes love and hope. In the movie "Titanic," the necklace was given to Rose by Jack, and it was a symbol of their love. The necklace was also a symbol of hope, as Rose wore it when she was rescued from the sinking ship. The necklace gave her the strength to survive and start a new life.

Heart Of The Ocean Necklace Titanic

The Heart of the Ocean necklace has become a symbol of love and hope for many people. It is a popular gift for weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions. The necklace is also a popular collectible item, and many people have replicas of the necklace in their jewelry collection.

The Cost of the Heart of the Ocean Necklace

The Heart of the Ocean necklace is a very expensive piece of jewelry. The original necklace, which was worn by Kate Winslet, was worth $20 million. The replicas of the necklace are much cheaper, but they can still cost several thousand dollars. The cost of the necklace depends on the quality of the diamonds and the materials used to make it.

Heart Of The Ocean Necklace Price


The Heart of the Ocean necklace is a beautiful and iconic piece of jewelry. It has captured the hearts of many people around the world, and it has become a symbol of love and hope. Celine Dion's Heart of the Ocean necklace is a testament to the enduring popularity of this stunning piece of jewelry. Whether you own the original necklace or a replica, the Heart of the Ocean is sure to be a cherished piece of jewelry for years to come.

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